Monday 16 February 2015

Ramblings from the UK: British Sense of Humour

The driver who ferried us passengers from the British Airways aircraft to the terminal at Heathrow Airport upon our arrival from Madrid had more or less this to say when he welcome us on board his bus.

"Welcome to London Heathrow. This bus is going to ferry you to the airport terminal to your arrival hall. This short trip is going to take about 10 minutes only, we probably would arrive there before I can finish this announcement..."

"For passengers with an onward flight connection, just please follow the purple signage they have at the airport terminal, and you won't have any problem at all getting to your next flight..."


"For those who are colour blind, don't worry, they have "Flight Connections" written on those purple signage..." 


"And for those who can't read English, or even speak English..."


"Oh well, never mind, you wouldn't understand this announcement anyway..."

For other www.RambleAndWander.com blog entries on United Kingdom, click here.

For other 'Ramblings' entries, click here.

Photo credit: Amer of TendtoTravel


Comments and feedback are always appreciated. So do leave one or two if you have the time. Thank you!

  1. bole jadi punchline mlm nih


  2. Hahaha giler sempoi ni. Aku try lah nanti kat KLIA :P

    1. Kalau buat, make sure record wokeh! Haha! :)

  3. LOL I love it when people actually show personality in their jobs! Announcements like this crack me up!

    1. There were quite a few chuckles in the bus. A nice welcome before joining the queue for the security check ;)

  4. I pasang telinga betul kalau orang sana bercakap sebab lain benar dengan Manglish hahah...

    1. Confirmed lah lain drp Manglish, heheh! I mmg suka dengar accent diorg ni. Satu lagi accent org Scotland.

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