Wednesday 11 May 2011

Welcome to www.RambleAndWander.com

This site is just a little project of mine to document and share some of my travels, journeys, rambles and wanders throughout the years. Most of the times, the posts are going to be in the form of photologs of pictures captured by myself, travelogues and anecdotes of some of the (unusual?) personal experience, and perhaps some monologues if I suddenly feel the urge to be expressive, which rest assured, fortunately or unfortunately, not a frequent tendency ;-)

If you have been to any of the places that appear on this site, I hope the postings would somehow be able to rekindle the sweet memories of your own visit there. If you have the time, feel free to share with me and the rest of us, both aspiring and fellow travellers, your own experience by putting it down in the comment section. If you however have not had the opportunity to travel to some of these places, I hope the postings would give you some inspirations, and perhaps some ideas, of and for your next destination(s). And yes, of course, you can, and are very much encouraged to leave your comments here as well :-)

Do subscribe to this blog, and become my fellow traveller. Together we can go places, even if it's just on here.
Let’s not waste more time...
Let the journey begins...

Rambler and Wanderer

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Comments and feedback are always appreciated. So do leave one or two if you have the time. Thank you!

  1. I really like your introduction. It's so soothing and inspiring. Will always be here :))

  2. Sharifah Shakirah AlQadree11 May, 2011

    Yeah...m impressed!! Will support u all the way..(dgn beribu2 "lemons")!!...U know what I mean..:))

  3. Thanks, guys, for the support, really appreciate it :-)

  4. Li Shuang21 May, 2011

    Ramble And Wander is a good stop for the Restless And Wild minds to wander into the world of Romance And Wonderlands…, since not everyone is as lucky as Rambler and Wanderer to fly around the world in his Romantic And Weird spontaneous mode, picking up the bag and just fly like a sly, Running And Waving most of the time to the jealous onlookers. Since I don’t fall under the category of Rich And Worldly, and will never be as daring as he is, I will insha’Allah give my full support to this dear friend, who sometimes wants to be seen Ruthless And Wacky. When in actual fact, at times, if u’re lucky enough, at Remote And Weird moment, could see the side of him which is as sweet as Ribena And Watermelon! Bravo Dude!!!

  5. Li Shuang, thanks for visiting and for your comment/support. You sure _are_ rambling and wandering, albeit in words ;-)

    Thanks, again.

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