Saturday 9 February 2013

Malaysia: My Selangor Story 2013 (11) - This is Not the End

Our 5th and last day started slow. Probably because almost everyone was trying to delay the inevitable, which is to say goodbye to each other after 4 days of fun and getting to know each other. 

We had breakfast at the hotel and then checked out of Vivatel. We separated our luggage – those belonging to participants going to the airport later were put in the bus while baggage belonging to the rest of us was put in Tourism Selangor van. 

Before that however, we had a tour of the hotel for a bit.

Afterwards we took the hotel shuttle van to Kenanga Wholesale City (KWC) , which belongs to the same group of companies as Vivatel, our hotel sponsor for our last night in Kuala Lumpur. 

We were at KWC by 9.30 a.m. but had to wait for a bit because the mall only opened at 10.00 a.m. Soon after though we were invited inside and brought to an Old Town Coffee Kopitiam outlet on the ground floor of KWC where we had our second breakfast (or morning tea?). We were also given a short briefing by a PR guy from KWC before we took a tour of the mall.

KWC is relatively a new shopping mall in Kuala Lumpur and it aspires to be “Malaysia's first one-stop fashion wholesale shopping mall that brings together a large and comprehensive directory of businesses”. Each floor has its own specialty including women’s fashion, men and kids, accessories, shoes and other leather goods, gifts and a few other categories. There is a food court at the mall but it has been designated as a non-halal food court. KWC however does have a few halal restaurants and cafes on other floors which should cater for its Muslims patrons and non-Muslim patrons who would prefer a variety in their options for meals. 

While taking the tour, it seemed that the K-Pop fever had also affected some of us in the group because a K-Pop outlet at the mall turned out to be quite a hit. 

Our last stop at the mall was another round of light meal at Kopi 'O'. Unfortunately we couldn't stay long and enjoy the meal there as most of the group members had to leave for the airport already. 

So we went out and walked to the bus that was parked just outside the mall. We shook hands, hugged each other and said good bye with the hope of seeing each other again soon. 

People say all good things must come to an end. 

Farah, Ridha, Helga, Kus Andi, Huda, Rika, Intan, Dicko, Citra, Wulan, Beni, Hijrah, Kasri, Ericka, Devi, Syauqie, Winny, Tahid and Husni.

I sure hope our good friendship wouldn’t come to that.

For more information on Kenanga Wholesale City, check their website: http://www.kenangacity.com.my/

Previous entry on My Selangor Story

For all other www.RambleAndWander.com blog entries on My Selangor Story, click here.

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For more info on My Selangor Story programme, click here.

To follow Tourism Selangor, check out their Facebook page or Twitter account.


Comments and feedback are always appreciated. So do leave one or two if you have the time. Thank you!

  1. senang adalah saat tau waktu itu bang rusli sedang berulang tahun hahaha


  2. Once again, happy bird-day, bang Rusli! LOL

  3. wow...tulisannya ampe sebelas artikel ya...hebat!!!

    1. Terlalu banyak yang pingen ditulis, jadinya perlu dibagi-bagikan :-)

  4. terharu nih bagian-bagian terakhirnya :D

  5. just like the title , hope we could meet again if not in Selangor maybe in indonesia or other countries perhaps..and keep wandering! :)

    1. Or during one of those TSDayOuts, haha! ;-)

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