Saturday 7 April 2012

Iran: Lost and Found in Esfahan

There are actually more than 10 old bridges crossing Zayandeh River in Esfahan, and it can be quite a walk to cover all of them in just one go. If you time your stroll along the river well, i.e. in the late afternoon, you would be able to see them in daylight as well as at night time when the bridges are all well lit up on your way back to your starting point.

I love them during the daytime, and I love them even more in the evening.

While during daytime there were plenty of people around - couples taking a stroll, families on a picnic, students meeting up perhaps to do some revision or just taking a break, and some others doing a brisk walk and jogging - there were somehow a lot more people walking around in the evening despite the cold temperature.

Right after I took this photo a guy came over to me and asked to see what I had taken. Couldn't quite work out if he's with the security force or just a curious local. I complied with his request nevertheless and showed a few photos that I had snapped there. He said, "Okay", and watched me took a few more photos afterwards.

On the way back, I missed the turn to the hotel and got completely lost despite having a map with me. Retracing my steps, I bumped into this beautiful souq (market) which appears to specialise in gold/ jewellery.

One Ray Bradbury once said, "Half the fun of the travel is the esthetic of lostness". I'd say, "Half the fun of the travel is getting lost and finding something unexpected".

Well, as long as I can find my way back to the hotel, obviously! 😀

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  1. Assalamualaikum,

    Oh really, bestnya... I really hope after your Iran series, you will post about Cordoba, Seville and Granada.



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